Watch our YouTube Video on Seasoned Firewood
Why is getting Seasoned Firewood important?
No one wants a fire that is too smoky or wood that struggles to burn. Burning Firewood with a high moisture percentage produces a lot of smoke. At Mr. Mulch our firewood supply has an average of 20-25% moisture (in our video some pieces are as low as 14%). We let our firewood season over 6 months to 1 year before we sell it to you so you get the best product of properly seasoned firewood.
Anything below 50% moisture is considered legally seasoned, but we aren't comfortable selling it to you at that percentage. We aim for under 25% moisture content because at this moisture level the firewood is burned for longer and hotter, without being smoky. Check out the Firewood at Mr. Mulch here.
for the best firewood, remember: 'the lighter, the brighter'
Some ways to identify if your firewood logs are properly seasoned would be: light in weight, bark is easily pulled off, and produces a hollow sound when dropped on concrete. A good rule to follow when picking out firewood is “the lighter, the brighter”. Think of this easy to remember phrase for the weight of the firewood and in regard to the color.
When firewood has been dried enough the color will look closer to white. Browse our Firewood Sales for Oak firewood, we offer Firewood Delivery or Pick Up (don't worry we load the firewood for you). Use Mr. Mulch as your Firewood Suppliers in Ohio this year!
Firewood for sale at mr. mulch
We have a huge quantity of properly seasoned firewood for sale, sold by the tenth of a cord or even a cord of firewood to get the best discount. This equates to about forty pieces of wood or one heaping bucket from our bobcat loader. If you choose to hand load, please make sure to grab some kindling as well (small pieces of bark, twigs, and shavings). Don't be alarmed if you have Firewood Delivered and there is bark and shavings mixed in with your logs, this is used for kindling. We sell up to 500 cords of firewood a year, we’ll have enough to satisfy your firewood needs for this season and the next.